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Перейти до публікації STATEMENT  on ensuring the implementation of the powers of the Ministry of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories
STATEMENT  on ensuring the implementation of the powers of the Ministry of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories

STATEMENT  on ensuring the implementation of the powers of the Ministry of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories

Перейти до публікації How to Support the East SOS CF?
How to Support the East SOS CF?

How to Support the East SOS CF?

Перейти до публікації STATEMENT  on ensuring the implementation of the powers of the Ministry of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine
STATEMENT  on ensuring the implementation of the powers of the Ministry of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine

STATEMENT  on ensuring the implementation of the powers of the Ministry of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine

Перейти до публікації Human rights defenders appealed to the Verkhovna Rada with a road map for improving legislation on the protection of the rights of victims of armed aggression of the russian federation
Human rights defenders appealed to the Verkhovna Rada with a road map for improving legislation on the protection of the rights of victims of armed aggression of the russian federation

Human rights defenders appealed to the Verkhovna Rada with a road map for improving legislation on the protection of the rights of victims of armed aggression of the russian federation



Перейти до публікації Detention of Lutfiye Zudiyeva, a Crimean Tatar Human Rights Defender and Journalist Statement of Human Rights Organizations
Detention of Lutfiye Zudiyeva, a Crimean Tatar Human Rights Defender and Journalist Statement of Human Rights Organizations

Detention of Lutfiye Zudiyeva, a Crimean Tatar Human Rights Defender and Journalist Statement of Human Rights Organizations

Перейти до публікації APPEAL on entry restrictions for Ukrainian citizens from third countries by the Russian Federation
APPEAL on entry restrictions for Ukrainian citizens from third countries by the Russian Federation

APPEAL on entry restrictions for Ukrainian citizens from third countries by the Russian Federation

Перейти до публікації Report on the Frontline Areas Monitoring: Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk Regions
Report on the Frontline Areas Monitoring: Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk Regions

Report on the Frontline Areas Monitoring: Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk Regions

Перейти до публікації We introduced “10 priority steps in human rights protection amid large-scale armed aggression for 2023”
We introduced “10 priority steps in human rights protection amid large-scale armed aggression for 2023”

We introduced “10 priority steps in human rights protection amid large-scale armed aggression for 2023”

Перейти до публікації Russian Federation uses Patients and Doctors of the Mariupol Regional Hospital as a "Human Shield" - is a War Crime
Russian Federation uses Patients and Doctors of the Mariupol Regional Hospital as a “Human Shield” – is a War Crime

Russian Federation uses Patients and Doctors of the Mariupol Regional Hospital as a "Human Shield" - is a War Crime

Перейти до публікації Russian Troops Carried Out an Airstrike on the Maternity Hospital:Children Who Were not even a Day Old Died
Russian Troops Carried Out an Airstrike on the Maternity Hospital:Children Who Were not even a Day Old Died

Russian Troops Carried Out an Airstrike on the Maternity Hospital:Children Who Were not even a Day Old Died

Перейти до публікації Přišla o domov, ale ne o naději. Aktivistka z Krymu se kvůli anexi nemůže na poloostrov vrátit, pomáhá však uprchlíkům z Donbasu
Přišla o domov, ale ne o naději. Aktivistka z Krymu se kvůli anexi nemůže na poloostrov vrátit, pomáhá však uprchlíkům z Donbasu

Přišla o domov, ale ne o naději. Aktivistka z Krymu se kvůli anexi nemůže na poloostrov vrátit, pomáhá však uprchlíkům z Donbasu
