Activity directions

Call Center
We accept applications for evacuation, resettlement, psychosocial support, mobile team visits, and documenting war crimes. We also provide legal assistance, and share useful information for IDPs

Humanitarian direction
We provide food and hygiene kits, equip shelters, points of invincibility, and educational institutions with necessary supplies. We also supply communities with generators, fuel materials, heaters, and stoves for the winter season

We help families, individuals with limited mobility, people with disabilities, and pet owners evacuate from the frontline and reunite with their loved ones. We assist in finding temporary housing and place evacuees in facilities with constant supervision

We rebuild and equip temporary accommodations for IDPs, geriatric boarding houses, and territorial centers. We also restore damaged homes in frontline communities

Legal support direction
We provide consultations and workshops on freedom of movement, document issuance, housing, social, pension, and labor issues. Our team advocates for victims' rights and participates in coalitions and working groups

Psychosocial direction
We provide psychological assistance, conduct activities to combat gender-based violence, support adaptation, and help with document restoration and payment processing. We also organize events, and offer individual and group counseling sessions

Educational direction
We train educators, civil society, and community representatives. We monitor educational institutions in frontline areas, provide comprehensive assistance, supply equipment for online learning, and implement projects, workshops, and retreats for educators

Documenting war crimes
We document crimes to establish justice and ensure the right to truth. Since February 24, 2022, we have recorded over 800 testimonies and reported more than 1,500 alleged war crimes