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Перейти до публікації Petition of ​human rights organizations to the President of Ukraine on the adoption of the Draft Law #7163
Petition of ​human rights organizations to the President of Ukraine  on the adoption of the Draft Law #7163

Petition of ​human rights organizations to the President of Ukraine on the adoption of the Draft Law #7163

Перейти до публікації Breaking Down Ukraine’s New “Occupied Territories” Law
Breaking Down Ukraine’s New “Occupied Territories” Law

Breaking Down Ukraine’s New “Occupied Territories” Law

Перейти до публікації Analysis of the Draft Law “On Peculiarities of the State Policy on Reinstatement of the State Sovereignty of Ukraine upon Temporarily Occupied Territories in Donetsk and Luhansk regions”
Analysis of the Draft Law “On Peculiarities of the State Policy on Reinstatement of the State Sovereignty of Ukraine upon Temporarily Occupied Territories in Donetsk and Luhansk regions”

Analysis of the Draft Law “On Peculiarities of the State Policy on Reinstatement of the State Sovereignty of Ukraine upon Temporarily Occupied Territories in Donetsk and Luhansk regions”

Перейти до публікації Bill analysis “On amendment to the statutory acts of Ukraine on identification of individuals for registration, issuing, exchange, invalidation, destruction of documents, that identify citizenship of Ukraine, identify a person or his/her special status”
Bill analysis “On amendment to the statutory acts of Ukraine on identification of individuals for registration, issuing, exchange, invalidation, destruction of documents, that identify citizenship of Ukraine, identify a person or his/her special status”

Bill analysis “On amendment to the statutory acts of Ukraine on identification of individuals for registration, issuing, exchange, invalidation, destruction of documents, that identify citizenship of Ukraine, identify a person or his/her special status”

Перейти до публікації Hope against hope… The stories of missing people during the conflict in Eastern Ukraine
Hope against hope… The stories of missing people during the conflict in Eastern Ukraine

Hope against hope… The stories of missing people during the conflict in Eastern Ukraine

Перейти до публікації Request from public organizations on development of changes to some resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine regarding IDPs’ rights realization
Request from public organizations on development of changes to some resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine regarding IDPs’ rights realization

Request from public organizations on development of changes to some resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine regarding IDPs’ rights realization

Перейти до публікації Круглий стіл «Результати річниці спецзакону для переселенців. Інтеграція чи повернення?» | "The Results of 1st Anniversary of Special Law on IDPs. Integration or Return?"
Круглий стіл «Результати річниці спецзакону для переселенців. Інтеграція чи повернення?» | “The Results of 1st Anniversary of Special Law on IDPs. Integration or Return?”

Круглий стіл «Результати річниці спецзакону для переселенців. Інтеграція чи повернення?» | "The Results of 1st Anniversary of Special Law on IDPs. Integration or Return?"
