Annual Ukraine Localization Survey 2024

Monitoring Report “Life Near the Front Line: Emergencies, Adaptation, and Humanitarian Needs”

APPEAL on entry restrictions for Ukrainian citizens from third countries by the Russian Federation

With the support of the humanitarian organizations Peace Winds and Japan Platform, Vostok SOS Charitable Foundation has implemented a one-year project.

The Vostok SOS Charitable Foundation provided equipment and supplies to places of compact residence of IDPs in 5 regions of Ukraine during June 2023 worth UAH 1,700,000.

Aftermath of Kakhovka Dam's Explosion: Report from Monitoring Mission

Report on the Frontline Areas Monitoring: Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk Regions

Аnalytical report «Changes in the demographic composition of the population in the occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions»

Overview of human rights violations committed by the Russian Federation in the occupied territories of Ukraine in March 2023 (based on open sources)

Overview of human rights violations committed by the Russian Federation in the occupied territories of Ukraine in February 2023 (based on open sources)

Overview of human rights violations committed by the Russian Federation in the occupied territories of Ukraine in January 2023 (based on open sources)