We continue to present the results of monitoring in European countries!


When: Tuesday, June 21, from 10:00 to 12:00 (GMT + 2)
Where? Pariser Platz 4A, 10117. Berlin, Germany.

In May 2022, Vostok SOS together with DRA e.V. Berlin and in cooperation with Libereco – Partnership for Human Rights conducted an international monitoring mission in Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy regions, as well as in Transcarpathia. The mission documents documented war crimes, infrastructure destruction and the situation of internally displaced persons.

Three participants of the mission will present their observations and conclusions at the Pilecki Institute in Berlin:
Yulia Krasilnykova, Executive Director of Vostok SOS;
Imke Hansen, Specialist in Mental Health and Psychological Support, Libereco – Partnership for Human Rights;
Tim Bohse, Project Coordinator in Ukraine, DRA – 30 Years for a European Civil Society.

The International Monitoring Mission in Ukraine is part of a project funded by the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Link to the meeting.

Registration at the link.

Simultaneous translation from Ukrainian into German will be provided.

Report “A Trail of Death and Destruction. Russian War Crimes, Human Rights Violations and the Evolving Needs in Ukraine”, can be downloaded here.

We continue to present the results of monitoring in European countries! | CF «East SOS», картинка №1

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