Monitoring mission in a compact settlement in the village of Novoselivka (Chernihiv region)


The Vostok SOS Charitable Foundation’s monitoring missions help to identify and assess the urgent needs of the victims of the full-scale russian invasion of Ukraine.

We met Nadiia in a compact settlement in the village of Novoselivka (Chernihiv region). On February 24, 2022, the woman and her granddaughter left for the neighboring village of Voznesenske, occupied by the russians on the fourth day of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

“I lived in the occupation for a month. Local guys wanted to start a fight with the invaders, but fortunately, we stopped them. People feared that the russians would kill the villagers”, Nadiia recalled.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine liberated the Chernihiv region, and the woman returned home, but the house was already destroyed – the russians shelled the radiator in the kitchen. It happened on March 17, and two neighboring houses burned down the same day.

During the russian occupation, 90% of Novoselivka was affected. Last summer, a compact settlement was built in the village for people who lost their homes. Nadiia and 218 other residents found shelter there.

The monitoring is part of the “Assistance to the war-affected population in Ukraine in winter conditions” project, supported by Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe.

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