Heating points are equipped with the essentials thanks to the support of foreign partners!


Heating points are equipped with the essentials thanks to the support of foreign partners!

We bought 12 Starlink systems for the centers accommodating people in critical situations, such as lack of heating, electricity, etc. The satellite systems will be installed in Donetsk, Kharkiv, Sumy and Zaporizhzhia regions.

At the frontline heating points, we are also equipping sanitary cabins, including ones for people with limited mobility.

The initiative is part of the project “Warm spots and the winterization of evacuation efforts to assist the war-affected population in Ukraine” with the support of the Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe.

We believe that shelters and heating points will soon no longer be a daily routine for all Ukrainians but until then, the Foundation will continue to support and care for everyone’s safety.

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